Social systems, contingency and structural transformation


  • Roberto Dutra Uenf


Social systems, Contingency , Structural transformation


The article proposes a leftist reading of Niklas Luhmann's theory of social systems. The idea is to offer a theoretical orientation centered on the discussion of the themes of structural transformation and normativity. It is not a programmatic offer, but a theoretical offer with the aim of opening horizons of reprogramming in different social spheres. In this proposal, structural transformation is anchored in the theoretical premise of the primacy of practices over social structures and the functionally differentiated character of the society in which we live. Left-wing structural change aims neither at the destruction nor the complete replacement of social systems, but at the transformation of the patterns that guide their practices, their relations with other systems of society and with human beings. The conception of the normative parameters of leftist politics has as its source the functional differentiation of society and its relation to human existence. This normative orientation combines the pluralism of values and ways of life of the functionally differentiated society with the "sub-socialized" conception of the human being that emphasizes his transcendence in relation to any socio-cultural context. The pluralism of values that underlies modern individuality is a way of life that promotes transcendence of the social from the social: by being able to develop as a being not reduced to any specific social system, and who participates in a plurality of them, humans can also experience the possibility of detachment from the social as a whole.

Author Biography

  • Roberto Dutra, Uenf

    Doutor em Sociologia, professor associado do Laboratório de Gestão e Políticas Públicas da Uenf.


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