“We don’t work by number of hours, we work by tasks”
conducting an academic career in a world of certifications and assurances
Academic career, Evaluation, MoralitiesAbstract
In this article, I analyze how the movement for normatizing the evaluation of scientific production undertaken by the Brazilian State, in the last decades, reflects new configurations of capitalism and its forms of labor management. Through the expansion of agents for measuring and standardizing scientific production, performance evaluations with the sign of "efficient management" were adopted and re-signified locally, reflecting in new ways of building and evaluating scientific careers. These reflections emerged from an ethnografic research developed for my doctoral thesis, in which I take "productivity awarding" scholarships as a privileged place to examine the grammars of value that are mobilized by researchers from the Rio de Janeiro who were granted these funds on how peers should build their careers and be evaluated. By thinking the State as distributor of resources and reputation, I analyze in which ways the evaluative devices that regulate professional practices and ethics are appropriated and (re)signified by these actors in their roles as evaluators and evaluated.
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