The challenge of the left in the face of post-Catholic Brazil


  • Brand Arenari UFF
  • Rafael Valladão Rocha Seminário Teológico Congregacional de Niterói


Left, Workers Party, Evengelicals


This article deals with the possibility of the left to adapt or not to the new environment (political ecosystem) of a post-Catholic Brazil. We will describe the new environment (post-Catholic Brazil) generated by the arrival of a new “invader” social type (neo-Pentecostals), to then analyze the impacts and reactions of the left field to these new challenges, especially its main electoral force, the Workers' Party. With regard to the Workers' Party, we will highlight and describe two constitutive elements of its formation and development that, according to our analysis, appear as initial (non-deterministic) impediments to its adaptation to the new post-Catholic order, that is: (1) the role of Catholicism and the (2) academic intelligentsia in its formation and development.

Author Biographies

  • Brand Arenari, UFF

    Doutor em Sociologia, professor associado da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

  • Rafael Valladão Rocha, Seminário Teológico Congregacional de Niterói

    Graduado e licenciado em Ciências Sociais, professor de Sociologia da Religião no Seminário Teológico Congregacional de Niterói (RJ)


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