The crisis of the left and its overcoming Left


  • Carlos Sávio Teixeira
  • Roberto Dutra


Left, Crisis of the left, Future of the left


The left today is experiencing intellectual and political stagnation. It has been unable to present credible alternatives for reorganizing the structures of social life that it criticizes so much. And, even lowering its expectations to the point of often barely distinguishing itself programmatically from the center – and even from the right –, it finds itself in electoral difficulties and watches, astonished, in many places, its “extreme right-wing populist” opponents rise. to power with the support of a significant part of classes and social groups whose interests and ideas the left has always intended to represent. The limits of redistributive marginal gains policies and compensation logic seem to have become clear, at least to the majority of ordinary people. The lack of structural and institutional alternatives seems to be fueled by the shortening of theoretical and practical horizons regarding what is possible in terms of transformation and reorganization of social life in its different spheres. It is as if the future and the new have stopped being allies and have become adversaries.



