The nsertion of the municipal guard in the public security system
the case of the Civil Guard of Contagem (MG)
Municipal Guard, Military Police, Civil Police, Public Security, Public Security System, Loosely articulated systemAbstract
This article deals with the participation of the Municipal Guard in the public security system in Brazilian society, aiming to analyze how the actors of this organization conceive their duties in relation to the current police system. A documentary study of the laws, manuals and operational procedures adopted by the Civil Guard of Contagem (MG) was carried out, in addition to an analysis of the number and nature of occurrences, arrests and visits to administrative buildings. Semi-structured interviews were also carried out with managers of the respective organization, who presented the nature of the activities carried out and the daily dynamics of the body, as well as describing the relationships between the Municipal Guard, the Military Police and the Civil Police. The empirical evidence obtained was that the Contagem Municipal Guard, from the perspective of its current managers, has prioritized the establishment of more cooperative relationships with the Military and Civil Police, avoiding conflicts of competence with such actors in the public security system. . Aspects of institutional mimicry were also identified in the relationship between the Municipal Guard and the Military Police.References
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