Digital communication and the agendas of “right-wing” Brazilian deputies on Instagram



  • Rayza Sarmento UFPA
  • Maria Ligia G.G Rodrigues Elias UNICESUMAR
  • Gabrielle Marques


Instagram ], right wing parties, conservative women, gender, Digital communication


This article discusses the digital communication on Instagram of nine female federal deputies, elected by right-wing parties in 2018 in Brazil. Among those analyzed, five were defined based on the largest number of followers per region and four based on extreme national projection. The central objective of the research was to build a thematic analysis of the content of female parliamentarians on the social network to understand, in the months of March and May of the years 2019 to 2021, which specific themes related to gender issues and specifically to women's rights were mobilized by the female legislators in posts. Theoretically, the article is based on contemporary discussions about the relationship between gender, democracy and conservatism and also discusses the specificities of political communication from the Instagram platform, marked by extreme personalization. The most frequent topic in the analyzed corpus was the political participation of women, followed by content about family and violence. The results of the analysis of the right-wing parliamentarians' communication point to the thematization of classic guidelines linked to feminist movements, but framed differently from a right-wing bias.

Author Biographies

  • Rayza Sarmento, UFPA

    Doutora em Ciência Política - UFMG

    Docente da UFPA - FACS e PPGCP

  • Maria Ligia G.G Rodrigues Elias, UNICESUMAR

    Doutora em Ciência Política - USP

    Docente - UNICESUMAR


  • Gabrielle Marques

    Doutoranda em Ciência Política - UFMG


