Movimentos suprapartidários x partidos políticos

parceria ou desafio



partidos políticos, movimentos suprapartidários, renovação política


Political parties are central organizations in political regimes. They went through transformations and were able to survive revolutions, wars and changes in society. Many theorized about the parties. Duverger dealt with cadre and mass parties, Panebianco with bureaucratic mass parties and electoral professionals, Kirchheimer bequeathed us the catch-all model, Katz and Mair presented the cartel party, Hopkin and Paolucci proposed the entrepreneurial party and Ghunter and Diamond established fifteen kinds of parties. It is possible to classify the parties in the different typologies, we observe in Brazil a phenomenon that does not seem to be contemplated by any model. We are referring to movements like RenovaBR, o MBL, o Agora!, Acredito e Livres, among others. The objective of this work is to investigate these groupings, trying to fit them into a theoretical model and seek to understand their role in relation to established parties, whether they are partners or challengers. The research adopts a qualitative methodology with in-depth interviews with leaders of supra-party movements. The conclusions indicate that these movements pose challenges to the parties by prioritizing political formation, ideological positioning and the formulation of public policies, but that their action has been more in the sense of forming qualified cadres for the parties than challenging them.

Author Biographies

  • José Paulo Martins Junior, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Bacharel em Ciências Sociais, mestre e doutor em Ciência Política pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), professor do Departamento de Ciência Política da Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).

  • Priscila Schmitz, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (Uerj)

    Bacharela em Ciências Sociais pela UFRJ, bacharela em Ciência Política pela UniRio, mestra em História Política e Bens Culturais pela FGV, doutoranda em Ciência Poítica pelo Iesp-Uerj.

