Call for the selection of thematic dossiers 01/2024


The journal Terceiro Milênio: Revista Crítica de Sociologia e Política (ISSN: 2318-373X) is launching this call for the selection of thematic dossiers for the three volumes to be published in 2025. Proposals must be submitted by email to, following the schedule set out in item 6.

1 – Description of the journal

Terceiro Milênio: Revista Crítica de Sociologia e Política accepts articles written in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Its objective is to address current and emerging themes in sociology and politics in a pluralistic manner.

In the most recent four-year evaluation by Capes (2017-2020), the journal was classified in stratum B1.

The journal accepts original research articles, review articles, case reports, research notes and works on innovative methodologies. In addition, it is open to publishing interviews and book reviews.

Submitted articles are analyzed by anonymous reviewers, who are also unaware of the authorship of the works under their analysis (double-blind analysis).

2 – Guidelines for proposals

a) Each dossier may be proposed by a maximum of three organizers, who must necessarily hold a doctorate;

b) The candidates' field of study should preferably be Sociology or Political Science, although other backgrounds in the Humanities and Social Sciences are permitted;

c) Preferably, the candidates within each proposal should be from different educational or research institutions.

3 – Formatting of thematic proposals

a) Proposals for dossiers should be sent to the email address, in a message with the title “Proposal for dossier for Terceiro Milênio2025”.

b) The text should contain the title of the dossier and an argument — with up to 3,000 characters with spaces — regarding its relevance and current status;

c) Proponents should include their respective names, institutional affiliations, and a mini-CV of up to 900 characters, including links to the CVs published on the CNPq Lattes platform;

d) The proposal should include the name of the researcher to be interviewed.

4 – Selection

The Editorial Coordination of Terceiro Milênio will be responsible for selecting the proposals, which will take into account the following criteria:

a) Relevance to the general scope of the journal;

b) Timeliness, originality and relevance of the theme;

c) Evaluation of the candidates’ CVs.

5 – Procedures after selection

Each dossier will consist of four to eight articles — with depth and cohesion strictly related to the theme presented —, at least one review and one interview, always submitted in compliance with the “Guidelines for authors” section;

b) The reviews should address reference works on the theme of the dossier, preferably published in one of the three previous years;

c) The interview should be given by a researcher or a leading figure in the area of ​​the dossier;

d) All articles will be subject to double-blind peer review, following the criteria established by the journal;

e) The organizers will be responsible for preparing the presentation text for the thematic section of the issue, which will mention the contents of the dossier.

6) Schedule

Those responsible for dossier proposals are obliged to observe the following deadlines:

Volume 26:

Proposal submission: until 05/02/25

Result: until 10/02/25

Call for papers: 10/02 to 14/03/25

Publication: until 30/04/25

Volume 27:

Proposal submission: until 11/02/25

Result: until 14/02/25

Call for papers: 17/02 to 17/04/25

Publication: until 31/08/25

Volume 28:

Proposal submission: until 21/02/25

Result: until 28/02/25

Call for papers: 03/03 to 30/06/25

Publication: until 31/12/25


Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ), December 13, 2024